Explore Our Programmes
The School of Liberal Arts and Sciences currently has two academic departments, Department of Arabic Language Education and Department of Computing and Informatics. The Department of Arabic Language Education is affiliated to the Akenten Appiah-Menkah University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Kumasi.
The Department of Arabic Language Education aims to produce highly qualified teachers of Arabic Language and Literature for the Basic Schools [Junior/Senior High Schools] by equipping students with the content and methodology for teaching Arabic Language and Literature with focus on development of professional skills and techniques and emphasis on the acquisition of competencies in Arabic Language skills such as writing, reading, comprehension and speaking Arabic fluently.
The Department of Computer Science and Informatics offers a four-year BSc Computer Science Degree Programme and a two-year Diploma in Information Technology. These programmes blend theory and practice, and teaching and learning are well adapted to the use of all forms of multimedia technologies. Our graduates are prepared to have a global outlook, and the ability to work in teams and to collaborate with colleagues in any global setting.
Programmes in the School are run in a flexible mode that combines online sessions with face-to-face lectures. We have a well-equipped language laboratory to facilitate practical lessons in spoken Arabic and we are designing Language Proficiency courses in English for foreigners in Ghana, as well as French and Swahili. We are also currently designing programs for the Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Human Development, Modern Languages (French and Arabic) and Certificate in Language Proficiency. The phenomenon of religion has always been and will continue to be relevant to individuals and to shape society. So are the communication and language courses that promote culture, diversity and global citizenship.

Schools & Departments
Alhassan Salifu Nantogma, PhD. (Dean)
Our academic affairs team serves a broad range of needs, across faculty, staff and students; support teaching and learning excellence, service and innovation, and curriculum design.

Students & Alumni
On Scholarships
Students – Lecturer Ratio